Sea Shepherd and Westerners do not think that Japanese is barbarians.
A famous Japanese entertainer ( who this site auther respect sincerely and a fan for many years ) said in Japanese TV,
like this.
"Sea Shepherd and Sea Shepherd's local people has been positioned below the dolphin".
If this awareness to Asian people by Sea Shepherd and their nationalities is true,
And Japanese were listening to it, Japanese people become to be angry and will be stubborn.
So,for stop the dolphin hunt, It is a not little negative effective thing.
I asked to Mr.Scott West (Sea Shepherd) about this is true or not in near Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture.
Do you love animals?
Yes, but it is more than that. Humans have a responsibility to behave
well toward one another and to animals. Sea Shepherd is an Ocean
Conservation organization. All life on this planet depends upon healthy
oceans. If the oceans are sick or have all life removed from them, then
all land animals will die too. Humans will die. Dolphins, whales,
sharks, etc. are wild and free and are critical to the oceans' health.
Please tell about the sense of closeness to dolphins and whales.
It seems that most humans feel some sort of connection to dolphins and whales.
If not, the dolphin shows and whale watching boats would not have any business.
Dolphins and whales also want to interact with humans.
We are very curious about each other and feel connected.
Humans should try to understand dolphin and whale language so we can communicate with them
and learn from them before it is too late.
Animal trainers teach dolphins
hand language, but dolphins do not have hands. We should learn their
Are there any opinions from around the world for the Japanese dolphin
Most people around the world want to save and protect dolphins and whales.
Because the Japanese government allows for the large scale killing of
dolphins and whales, many people around the world have a low opinion of
To remedy this problem, you need a revision of the relevant international
law? And what is it valid for this?
Yes, there needs to be international law. There already are laws though,
but Japan ignores them.
The existing laws need to be enforced. Also,
Japan needs to enact laws protecting marine mammals and protecting the
Japanese eat a lot of fish, but the oceans cannot sustain that amount.
There needs to be caution and much more care taken to protect the
so the oceans will remain healthy for future generations.
To remedy this problem, we must have the relevant legislation in Japan?
And what is it valid for this?
Also, Japan needs to enact laws protecting marine mammals and protecting
the oceans. Japanese eat a lot of fish, but the oceans cannot sustain
that amount. There needs to be caution and much more care taken to
protect the oceans so the oceans will remain healthy for future
Please tell your opinion about the changes to the tourism industry from
The hunting and killing of dolphins and whales in Japan or by Japanese fleets in Antarctica or elsewhere definitely hurts Japanese tourism.
Many people will not come to Japan or even purchase Japanese products because of the hunting.
However, Japan could benefit from whale and dolphin tourism.
That is by taking tourists out onto the water to see whales and dolphins swimming free.
I offered to help, for free, Wakayama tourism advertisements if they would stop hunting dolphins in Wakayama.
What was the response to your proposal?
I received no response from my proposal. Both my daughter, Elora, and I
offered to appear in tourism advertisements. The governor of Wakayama
ignored us.
Please say for Japanese people.
Japan is an island nation and is very dependent upon the oceans.
Japanese are smart people.
They have great technological ability and great universities.
I would expect Japan to be a leader of ocean conservation
and look forward to the day when Japan takes its rightful place as a
leader in ocean protection.
Many Western people think that the hunting and killing of dolphins and whales is barbaric,
but that does not mean that Westerners think all Japanese are barbarians.
The United States, Australia, and England were once whale killing nations.
Westerners are positioned asians or Japanese lower than dolphins ?
Sea Shepherd does not "position Asian people below dolphins." Sea
Shepherd positions all human beings (Western and Asian) below dolphins and
whales. Humans are new to the earth, but dolphins and whales have been
here for a very long time.
If Humans were to all leave the earth, the earth would be OK.
But if the dolphins and whales left the earth,
then the oceans would suffer and the whole planet would suffer.
I have met many Asian people who I very much respect and admire.
It is only a handful of men in Taiji that I do not respect.
I also am frustrated and angry at the Japanese government for lying to the people of Japan about the Fukushima danger,
the killing of whales and dolphins,
the mercury contamination in tuna and other seafood, and the decline of the fishes in the oceans.
The opinion of Taiji poeple.
"It's old culture. This is same cow. We must not be given the bashing.
On the other hand,
There is a service that provide Interacting with dolphins that established hotel.
Dolphins trapped in cages,
However, there is the large differences in the direction to the kill.
There are already some other local Dolphin Watching.
Moved to the dolphin watching is one of the answer to this problem.
The opinion of the author of VEGE-NAVI.JP
There are the people who eating dolphine is very shock.
And that is Japanese, I'm very ashamed.It is significant damage.
Would otherwise,
This problem should be solved by Japanese themselves are concerned country.
If Japanese can express about "dolphin hunting is a food culture",
It is a shameful practice and should be corrected, definitely.
Would otherwise,
This problem should be solved by Japanese themselves are concerned country.
We(Japanese) must get rid of misunderstanding of that foreigners who come to Japan from overseas for concrete actions in the extent of the law for this issue.
And most important thing,
We must do the effective action to stop the act of killing as soon as possible.
At the same time,
Japanese must help the hunting people to change their business industry.
For example , Dolphin watching.
Dolphin Watching is necessary of deep knowledge on the ecology of dolphin.
If It does not have,it is difficult to encounter them.
If we are too closer to them, interfere with the social behavior of dolphins.
As a result, they will move from its waters.
THE COVE IN TAIJI Sep, 1th 2012
Cove in Taiji at Sep 2012
One man who came to Taiji from abroad said at the cove.(1 Sep 2012)
This stone is like a lump of blood of dolphins.
(This photo by Dolphin-Lovers.Org)